Education Minisymposium II

eSMB2020 eSMB2020 Follow Wednesday at 11:15am EDT
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Chonilo S. Saldon

Zamboanga del Norte National High School
"High School Students' Interest in Applied Mathematics"
With the the implementation of the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum in the Philippines doubled with the students'access to college scholarship,more students are considering Mathematics and Science-related courses. Using a mixed-method approach, this study looks into the beliefs, interest and motivation in pursuing applied mathematics in college. Implications shall be discussed in terms of career advising on secondary level.

Widodo Samyono

Jarvis Christian College
"Jarvis Summer Undergraduate Research Experience 2020"
Jarvis Christian College is a small liberal arts HBCU at Hawkins, Texas. With the NSF Funding through Targeting Infusion Project (TIP) Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Programs (HBCU-UP) we were able to have a summer undergraduate research in computational and mathematical biology. In this presentation we would like to share our challenges and opportunities for doing undergraduate research in computational and mathematical biology with underrepresented minority students in STEM. We will explain how we prepare ourselves and our students and how we change the challenges to opportunities.

Winfried Just

Ohio University
"COVID-19 modeling for quantitative literacy courses"
There is a deluge of information about the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of our students are struggling with making sense of it all, especially the science and math behind the various models. This talk will present a collection of materials that can be used in quantitative literacy courses to sort out some of the confusion and demonstrate how the math that is usually taught in such courses helps in understanding the real world and making good decisions. In these materials, the models are explained by Alice, a student of epidemiology, to three of her peers from other disciplines. The protagonists bring a variety of attitudes and concerns to the discussions. Together, they sort things out and gain remarkable insights with using very simple mathematics.

Hosted by eSMB2020 Follow
Virtual conference of the Society for Mathematical Biology, 2020.