Increasingly biologically accurate models of influenza A virus infection spread in vivo & in vitro
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Christian Quirouette
Mathematical modelling is essential to investigate and elucidate the mechanisms behind the rich tapestry of virus infection behaviours observed experimentally and clinically. It also provides a frame- work to develop and optimize antiviral therapy. This mini-symposium brings together researchers from various groups with a range of expertise, all working to improve a slightly different aspect of influenza A virus infection modelling. All work is solidly anchored in experimental data, and tackles different clinically important questions.
Christian Quirouette
Ryerson University"A mathematical model describing the localization and spread of influenza A virus infection within the human respiratory tract"
Amber Smith
University of Tennessee Health Science Center"Modeling Influenza–Mediated Acute Lung Injury"
Daniel Rüdiger
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany"Multiscale model of DIP replication and its effects on influenza A virus infection in animal cell culture"
João Rodrigues Correia Ramos
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany"A dynamic model for cell growth, metabolism and virus production of MDCK suspension cells"