Frequently Asked Questions

* For other questions, please contact Heiko Enderling at
1. Where will eSMB2020 take place?
The eSMB2020 conference will be held virtually. Through partnership with, we will utilize Sococo, Zoom, and Slack to create an immersive conference experience.
2. What are the registration costs?
The registration fee is $25 for our first virtual annual meeting. You must register for the meeting through the registration website. You can make a bigger impact for young mathematical biologists with two other registration options. You can give $50 to support your participation and the participation of a young mathematical biologist at this meeting. Alternatively, you can give $100 to partially support a society travel award to help a student participate at our 2021 Annual Meeting.
3. Do I need to register if I am not presenting a poster or abstract?
Yes, registration is required for participation in eSMB2020.
4. What the poster requirements?
Registration is required to present a poster. Please register at your earliest convenience at A tutorial video of the sococo platform is online for you to get a glimpse into what the virtual poster session will look and feel like ( ). Please follow the following guidelines:
- Poster dimensions: Max of 3' x 4/ (91cm x 122cm).
- Format: PDF only
- File Size: Not to exceed 25MB.
- If necessary, here are instructions to reduce file size:
- Please save your poster with the following File Name: Lastname_Firstname_XXXX.pdf, where XXXX is to be replaced by the identifier of the SMB subgroup the poster belongs to. XXXX = { CDEV, EDUC, IMMU, MEPI, NEUR, ONCO, MFBM, POPD, OTHE }. All subgroups (and corresponding codes) are listed on the subgroup page.
- Please upload your poster pdf to the Subgroup Google Drive folder that your subgroup chair emailed you.
5. If I submitted my abstract to the Heidelberg ESMTB meeting, is it too late to transfer it to SMB2020?
If you have not yet transferred your abstract, please submit your abstract as a new abstract during eSMB2020 registration.
6. Will the Heidelberg ESMTB meeting still take place?
ESMTB organizers plan to hold ESMTB in 2021 in Heidelberg. Unfortunately, this won’t be a joint meeting with the SMB. The SMB 2021 annual meeting will be held at UC Riverside.
7. Will my talk be recorded or live-streamed?
The eSMB2020 conference offers the unprecedented opportunity to record talks for dissemination after the meeting. Live-streaming is currently not planned. During abstract submission, authors can select to opt in/out of recordings.
8. Can I re-submit an updated abstract?
Yes. To submit an updated abstract, please coordinate with the SMB subgroup lead that your abstract belongs to. If your abstract does not belong to an SMB subgroup, please contact Torbjörn Lundh.
9. Can I submit an abstract that is not affiliated with any subgroup?
Yes, during abstract submission you choose the option ‘none of the above’ for subgroup affiliation.
10. Can we still organize minisymposia?
Please reach out to the SMB subgroup leaders that your minisymposium thematically belongs to to confirm if accommodations can be made for additional minisymopisia. Note: the mathematical oncology section is currently at capacity and cannot accept further MS submissions. Otherwise, if the MS thematically does not belong to a subgroup, please contact Torbjörn Lundh.
11. When will I be notified about abstract selection?
All submitted abstract will be evaluated by the SMB Subgroups and conference scientific committee after the abstract submission deadline on July 15. Notification of abstract selection for poster or oral presentation will be sent before the end of July.
12. I've completed the registration form, but did not submit an abstract yet. How do I submit my abstract post-registration?
You can send your title and abstract to the SMB Membership Team at, and they will add it to your registration.
13. How do I format my virtual poster?
Posters should be landscape format and saved as a single page pdf, to ensure that everybody will be able to view it on their personal computer or tablet. When designing your poster, please chose content and font size carefully to clearly communicate your research. All accepted posters will be uploaded to a shared drive for access through Sococo during the poster session. Details will be communicated in the next couple of weeks.