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Peter Jagers & Carmen Minuesa Abril
Recent developments in stochastic population dynamics involve interplay between environment and population, notably population size through a carrying capacity. This results in dependence between reproducing individuals and, hence, a framework which has hitherto not been accessible through models allowing individual, stochastic variation. The life-time and starting conditions of suitably scaled processes as well as inference about the carrying capacity itself will be discussed.
Fima C. Klebaner
Monash University"Appearance of random initial conditions in the Wright-Fisher model"
Sophie Hautphenne
Univeristy of Melbourne"Inference in population-size-dependent branching processes"
Carmen Minuesa Abril
Autonomous University of Madrid"Estimation of the carrying capacity in a population-size-dependent branching process"
Göran Högnäs
Åbo Akademi University"Exit times of some nonlinear autoregressive processes"